Jamaica Gleaner Flair

Published: Monday Monday | June 15, 2009

COVER STORY - Fatherhood the second time around
Trevor Heaven - Businessman Trevor Heaven is enjoying fatherhood with his young children."This time around it's a rebirth," Heaven said, of having two young children, Nathan, 10, and Kai, 8. Heaven is also the father of three adult children, Muna Heaven-Hill... Read More...

David Lee, 28 (he'll be 29 the day before Father's Day), can't stop blushing because of his princess, Mia Rose. We asked the budding entrepreneur about fatherhood... Read More...

The best things about being a dad
Any time you feel something is so good you should have done it sooner, then you know it's a great thing.That's how Jeremy Mullings, 37, feels about being a father. His son is now nine months old... Read More...

Fathering in the twilight years
Many men will boast that life begins at 60. By then their children would have left home, reducing family responsibilities.But how about men who start second families at age 65 and beyond? How do they cope with raising babies and making the necessary lifestyle... Read More...

The debate rages on in 'Singular Subjects'
As the debate about the 67-year-old woman continues, I cannot help but share my feelings on the matter. Our culture is such that while society accepts an older man with a younger woman (or girl), it frowns upon an older woman with a younger man. Why is this so? Read More...

No more fuddy-duddy Fathers
He is still sporting his knee-high diamond socks and refuses to stop wearing those worn-out acid wash jeans - 1980s fad - and every time you see him wearing one of those outdated items you think, "If only he would just get with the times."... Read More...

Too many graduations
This whole graduation business came up last week with the prime minister mulling over the possibility of a policy that, to my understanding, would curb the spending associated with these rites of passage. I've always felt that some students (and parents)... Read More...

FE-MAIL TIES - Fathers of Africa
From the delivery room to the first day at university and other important steps in a child's life, the fathers featured today all mention the importance of 'being there' for their children. Not just for these milestones, but participating fully... Read More...

What dad taught me about sex
Ask most parents and they'll tell you they dread the idea of having the sex talk with their children. Although, most will admit that it is unavoidable. But whose duty is it to have the talk with the children? Is it the mother's, the father's, or both?... Read More...