Jamaica Gleaner Letters

Published: Monday Monday | June 15, 2009

LETTER OF THE DAY - The GG and British trinkets
The Editor, Sir: It is interesting to note that on the same day the governor general was receiving his knighthood, the BBC had a presentation in the morning on the release of a new book, The Dead Yard, by Ian Thompson. The programme which lasted for about three minutes... Read More...

Support PSOJ on crime bills
The Editor, Sir: One cannot help but agree with the Private Sector Organisation's stance on the lack of urgency with which the houses of Parliament are addressing the crime bills and view it as suspicious. Read More...

Water on sale from Trinidad?
The Editor, Sir: I have (for the most part) recovered from the initial shock of a few years ago of seeing water being sold in supermarkets and restaurants. Reacting to the whole concept, my father would often recount how back in his younger days... Read More...

A step forward for French
The Editor, Sir: In light of the new French curriculum that was presented on June 12 to education minister, Andrew Holness, I must say that Jamaica is broadening the possibilities of the nation to further participate and benefit from the advantages... Read More...

End school discrimination
The Editor, Sir: It is good to see that the minister of education and columnist Peter Espeut are now on-board to change the idiotic method in which we have been placing students in our high schools. We all know that it cannot be done overnight. Read More...

Businesses' biggest challenge
The Editor, Sir: As the Government ponders how to deal with the growing trade deficit, the decreasing number of business people are pondering how to deal with the problem of crime that is killing the sector.Jamaica's business sector faces a number... Read More...