Published: Monday | June 15, 2009

Daviot Kelly, Staff Reporter

David Lee and daughter Mia Rose. - Contributed

David Lee, 28 (he'll be 29 the day before Father's Day), can't stop blushing because of his princess, Mia Rose. We asked the budding entrepreneur about fatherhood.

What's the best thing about being a father?

DL: The best thing about being a father is knowing that there is someone who will need me to teach them things they don't know. I want to teach my daughter how to read, ride a bicycle and how to save her money, and I hope that when she is grown she will always be able to say, "daddy taught me that".

Is fatherhood everything you expected, so far?

DL: Fatherhood is more than I expected so far because I thought I knew what it was like to love someone but I love my daughter more than I have ever loved before.

When did it truly hit you that you are really a father?

DL: It hit me that I was now a father recently when I was at a friend's house for games night and by midnight I was ready to go home and everyone was making fun of me.

How has your life changed since becoming a father?

DL: Life has changed because now all my plans are made with her in mind. I don't do the same things, I don't think the same way, and I don't forget for a second that my daughter will need a lot from me so I can't let her down.

What's your biggest worry about raising your daughter?

DL: My biggest worry about raising my daughter is the problems in our country. Crime and violence and economic conditions will determine a lot of what she will be able to do without fear of harm or disappointment. However, I am confident that if we make some smart decisions she won't ever have to face those problems on her own.

What's the one bit of advice you feel you MUST pass on to her?

DL: The one bit of advice that I must pass on to her is one that my father gave to me. It is the power of thought and the belief that whatever the mind can conceive, the body will achieve.

What do you say to those guys who can have children but don't plan on doing so?

DL: Every man has a right to his own decision and if that is not to have children then he should at least be confident in his reasons why. But from my experience, my daughter is my greatest accomplishment in life and that's a great feeling.