Control oil wealth

Published: Wednesday | September 2, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

How very unsettling to read that like Venezuela, Brazil is now taking more control of of its oil resources. How dare the people of Brazil loosen the chains of control of their oil resources from the clutches of the Western-owned cartels?

The oil-producing countries of the middle east, and now South America, have been seizing control of their resources from the grasp of Western oil powers. No longer will oil be produced solely for the enrichment of the United States and its European allies. The people of the Middle East and South America have a right to demand that their oil wealth be used to alleviate poverty in their countries.

President Lula da Silva had better brace himself for the propaganda that will be unleashed against him. Like President Chávez he will soon be labelled a socialist and despot by the press in the United States and Europe.

I am, etc.,


Kingston 8