Jamaica Gleaner Profiles in Medicine

Published: Monday Wednesday | September 2, 2009

Are you male or female?
It is generally believed that the embryo by default is female. Females carry two X chromosomes (XX) among the 23 pairs of chromosomes in each cell. In about the seventh week, the embryonic presence of the Y chromosome (XY) provides instructions for the development... Read More...

The sodium monster
Chronic non-communicable lifestyle diseases (CNCD) have emerged as the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in Jamaica. Hypertensive diseases are among the top causes of death in women and men. To reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases... Read More...

Total body sculpting
Body sculpting is quite popular among exercise enthusiasts. Body sculpting exercises are used extensively to achieve the perfect shape which we think we should have. Body-sculpting exercises do help to improve our muscles. However, the perfect shape... Read More...

Response to reader - I am allergic to sunscreen lotions
Dear Ms McDaniel,Thanks for the information on protecting skin from sunburn. I'm not using any sun protection because I had an allergic reaction when I used a particular brand of sunblock as well as some popular brands ... Read More...

Cooking oil is not the enemy - Dear Ms Thompson,I came across an article by you on The Gleaner website where you talked about saturated fats and the need to avoid them. Read More...

Health trends
Intrauterine devices are safe for teens- Clinicians should offer the intrauterine device (IUD) as a first-line contraceptive method to all women, including adolescents, say the authors of a recent systematic review of the topic. Read More...