Saluting great high schools

Published: Wednesday | June 17, 2009


I MUST begin by congratulating all our students who were successful in the recent GSAT examinations. Well done! However, to those who weren't successful in going to your school of choice, you may have failed, but you are in no way a failure, if you are determined and work harder sweet victory shall be yours.

In a recent television interview in which they sought to highlight those students from a particular primary school who did exceptionally well, it was interesting to note the top-five students interviewed all passed for a particular traditional high school, which I will not name. In the Corporate Area, many would say this high school is great, but is it really?

Real greatness

When a high school takes a child with a struggling C or even B average exiting from primary or prep school and labours assiduously through the deserts of frustration and little resources, and finally reach the mountain of fifth form and achieve successful results of not necessarily all ones in the CXC exams, I believe what we have witnessed what almost resembles a miracle. These efforts have to be described as great; these teachers must be described as great; and these high schools should receive the trophy of great.

Therefore, being a great high school should not only be measured by the destination reached, but also by how far you have travelled to reach that destination. I have seen teachers brought back life to those who were educationally dead because, even though in high school, they didn't understand the purpose and power of an education.

I am, etc.,

Garnnet Webber
