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Jamaica Gleaner What's Cooking
published: Thursday | October 23, 2008

'Carry me ackee ...'
Persons who flocked Marsignh Park in St Catherine on Heroes Day for the Linstead Ackee Festival, had one disappointment, the reduced number of ackee products that were on display. "Last year we had ackee patty, ackee casserole, ackee and lobster, ackee punch, ackee pizza...

First time for Dragon City

Dragon City has been around since 1989 but, since The Gleaner-sponsored Kingston Restaurant Week (KRW) began in 2005, this is its first year participating in the popular food event.Frank Luo, who owns the restaurant with Pak...

Gloria's: seafood at its best

One of the most popular and best eating spots in Port Royal is Gloria's Rendezvous. Specialising in seafood, Gloria has established its name as a top restaurant, known for its good food and atmosphere and has been a favourite for many.

Fifty years of good quality food

Ask anyone who has spent time at the Hotel Four Seasons and one thing they will agree on is the quality of its food. Earlier this year, the hotel's management celebrated the establishment's 50 years in the business and, with a restaurant like the one...

All this from coffee land

The fab Strawberry Hill hotel/spa and restaurant literally towers over the competition, nestled as it is in the Irish Town hills of St Andrew. The Georgian-style decor is taken from the original house on the site. The present business started in 1994...

Good food, service, setting at Grog Shoppe

A big turnout is what is being hoped for during this year's Gleaner-sponsored Kingston Restaurant Week (KRW) at the Grog Shoppe. Director of the restaurant Lisa Gabay says while there have been many happenings in the economy, from which many are feeling the pinch...

A choice of local and international fare at Kabana

Located along Hope Road, near to the heart of Half-Way Tree, Kabana Restaurant & Garden Bar offers both International and local cuisine. Come this Kingston Restaurant Week (KRW), sponsored by The Gleaner, it's ready to fully satisfy the taste buds of customers...

Dress codes of Kingston restaurants

What exactly should one wear when dining out? Do restaurants set the dress code, or is it left up to the individual to decide? I recently phoned all those participating in The Gleaner-sponsored Kingston Restaurant Week...

Amazing dining experience at Wine With Me Restaurant

WESTERN BUREAU: On Thursday, October 2, just after 7 p.m., a handful of specially invited guests arrived at Wine With Me Restaurant, located at the Altamont West Hotel on Gloucester Avenue, Montego Bay, for an amazing dining experience...

National Egg Month feature - Eggs and cholesterol

There is a growing appreciation that the overall pattern and amount of foods in a person's diet, and not a single food, is what is important for good nutrition. With this concept the American Heart Association (AHA) dietary guidelines for healthy people no longer...

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