The rack of lamb is a favourite among diners at the Hotel Four Seasons restaurant. - Contributed
Ask anyone who has spent time at the Hotel Four Seasons and one thing they will agree on is the quality of its food.
Earlier this year, the hotel's management celebrated the establishment's 50 years in the business and, with a restaurant like the one they have, another profitable half-century should be in the making. According to Martin Smith, the hotel's general manager, an expansion project under way includes a deli-style restaurant.
Guests can use the ultra quiet (and snugly air-conditioned) main dining area or go out by the terrace. The dining area can accommodate about 150 patrons. Chef Fitzgerald Malcolm said the lamb chops and snapper are favourites of the patrons. The menu lists both, as well as other succulent treats. The restaurant is known especially for its buffet lunch, as well as hosting weddings and á la carte dinner.
Despite the rich history of the hotel's food, Hotel Four Seasons only made its KRW debut last year. Patrons can look forward to more.
"We did very well for a first timer. We had up to 60 persons per night," said Malcolm. Both men are looking forward, optimistically, that this year will be even better.