Rasbert Turner, Gleaner Writer
This exhibitor serves up some ackee for a patron at the Ackee Festival in Linstead, St Catherine on Monday October 20. - photos by Ian Allen/Staff Photographer
Persons who flocked Marsignh Park in St Catherine on Heroes Day for the Linstead Ackee Festival, had one disappointment, the reduced number of ackee products that were on display.
"Last year we had ackee patty, ackee casserole, ackee and lobster, ackee punch, ackee pizza, but this year we can barely find anything different from the ackee and salt fish and you can get it at home," said Margaret Reece.
Several persons echoed the sentiment. Of the more than 20 stalls occupied, while there was an abundance of other foods, ackee had the least in number and variety of dishes.
Favourites like ackee and salt fish, ackee red herring, ackee and corned pork and ackee and chicken back were the toast of the afternoon. But many persons braved the inclement weather to grace the new venue of the festival.
There was a new product this year; ackee ice cream. The dish which is combined with mango puree was very tasty and the favourite of many who tried it.
"This one tastes good, mi like it," was the response of Michelle Jones, as she enjoyed the taste of the product.
The organisers however were upset by the absence of several schools, that they had invited to participate in the annual event.
"We are sad that only Linstead Primary turned up and we sent letters and made calls to all the high schools and were looking forward for them to have a cook-off," remarked Ruby Tenn, one of the organisers.
Patrons enjoy their ackee and saltfish at the annual Ackee Festival in Linstead, St Catherine on Heroes Day. - Ian Allen/Staff Photographer