Latoya Grindley, Gleaner Reporter
Known for its tasty seafood, especially the traditional steamed and fried fish, with servings of bammy and festival, Prendy's on the Beach will, again, go all out to please its valued customers. - contributed
A big turnout is what is being hoped for during this year's Gleaner-sponsored Kingston Restaurant Week (KRW) at the Grog Shoppe. Director of the restaurant Lisa Gabay says while there have been many happenings in the economy, from which many are feeling the pinch, she hopes people will come out and take advantage of the week's offerings. "We would like to double up on the customers we would normally have on a regular night here at the restaurant."
Noting that they have the right reasons to entice patrons to eat at Grogg Shoppe, Gabay says the overall experience will be worth it. "We have delicious food, relaxing atmosphere and, most important, good service."
This year's menu, the director says, is a mix of old and new. "Some of the dishes on the menu are from last year and some are new but the menu has mostly what people love. The items are some of the pricier things, so this gives people the opportunity to have what they couldn't normally afford."
Each night during KRW, customers will be entertained with live music to enhance the already-relaxing dining environment.
Located on the grounds of Devon House, on Hope Road, the restaurant is going all out to please customers by living up to its slogan, 'good food, good service in a historic setting'.
Vegetable samosas like these will be served at the Grog Shoppe during Kingston Restaurant Week. - Ian Allen/Staff Photographer