KELLY'S WORLD - Dem crash Barack 'ting'!

Published: Monday | November 30, 2009


Well, this is how you know the world has really changed: white folks crashing a black man's party.

If there was ever a satirical, stereotype-filled movie or comedy sketch about a glitzy party/dinner being crashed, it would usually be by minorities to the chagrin of the host (presumably white and rich). Well, recently, the security and protocol personnel of United States President Barack Obama were the ones looking slightly dumb when, by some indications, the president's state dinner (held for the Indian prime minister) was crashed by a wealthy couple.

We've heard of hungry-belly folks crashing media parties, and there are a few men who are known to invade almost every cocktail party there is on the local social scene. But, usually, you can spot the crashers because nobody, and I mean nobody, knows who they are. When the host has to ask the working press "who dem?", then you know it's bad.

But this couple at the state dinner took things to another level. Not only did they get in (apparently without fuss), they were even hobnobbing and chilling out with folks like VP Joe Biden. Apparently, they are 'somebodies' (you know, dem have couple dollas), so it wasn't as big a deal as it could have been. But the fact there is even a question of their legitimacy, and that they were allowed inside tells me somebody dropped the ball somewhere. Of course, they say they were invited (so would I quite frankly). But I just believe that, had it been a minority couple (black, Asian or otherwise), if there was even a hint of something untoward, they would not have been allowed inside. I just find it hilarious that I have lived to see a black man's party getting crashed. Ah so mi know Barack a di boss!

Commendation to diligence

Ironically, Jamaica also hosted a dignitary, Jakaya Kikwete, president of the United Republic of Tanzania and his wife during the same week. I wonder if anybody tried to crash any of their events? I doubt it, since the honest, hard-working local press, at times, could barely get a word in from all the security. That's a commendation to their diligence I suppose, except, Jamaicans nuh trouble nuhbaddy! The president of Tanzania? Half of Jamaicans don't even know where that is (East Africa by the way). Protocol doesn't have to mean confusion which, in my opinion, is what we had at times. The then Pope (John Paul II), king and queen of Spain (this year) and Prince of Wales (last year) have all come here and nobody nuh try nutten! Jamaicans simply know how and when to behave.

The couple at the White House were lucky. Had it been our security guys, they wouldn't have stood a chance.

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