COVER STORY - Deane Shepherd expands his horizons

Published: Monday | November 30, 2009

Latoya Grindley, Gleaner Writer

Deane Shepherd says one thing that hasn't changed since leaving the corporate world, is that he still wakes up at seven o'clock every morning. - Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer

At the age of 32, Deane Shepherd is already the driving force behind three companies which represent aspects of his personality and experience. The brainchild of Blueprint Consulting, and Lifestyle, Shepherd, after spending seven years in the corporate world, decided to direct his full attention to operating his own business. He has also taken over the management of his father's business, Centro Latino.

Blueprint Consulting can be considered Shepherd's baby company. In August 2008, it was formed out of the need to create a management structure as it relates to project and event planning for companies. According to the director, the company deals with planning and execution. "We take events on at different stages. There are some persons who come with an idea and we will take on its implementation. For events where assistance with sponsorship is requested, we can create a timeline for this and liaise with the various sponsors."


Starting out with a focus on event planning, Blueprint Consulting is multifaceted. It has expanded its operations to project management, project management training, marketing strategy, sales strategy, new product development and competitor analysis.

Based on his interests and work background at Red Stripe, where he worked in various capacities, it was just a matter of time before Shepherd started a company of this nature. "I used to help my friends to put on events and my personality is suited to entertaining." At Red Stripe, Shepherd garnered a lot of experience after working in areas including marketing and sales, all of which involved project management knowledge. During his tenure, he managed projects which included the launch of both Smirnoff Black Ice and the new Guinness bottle.

Untouched markets

Always seeking to tap into untouched markets, or trying to fill gaps by trying out innovative methods, Shepherd formed an earlier company, Lifestyle. Three years ago, the idea to start this indoor advertising medium in Jamaica came through travelling. "I am always thinking about different ideas, and one year while I was travelling, I think it was in Macy's that I saw a screen advertising something." That inspired him to form Lifestyle, which incorporates the use of screens to air advertisements at specific locations. "The screens are in popular locations like Shimmer, Alexxya, Pizza Pazza and the fact is, we are living in a fastpaced world and because of this, people can miss out on a lot of the advertisements that are carried in the traditional media. They will not hear it on the radio if they aren't tuned in at the right time; it is the same with television, so this is like a breakthrough which complements the traditional media."

According to Shepherd, advertisers are getting in tune with this method, and have been reaching their target audience through the use of Lifestyle.

Family business

Even with two growing and very demanding companies, Shepherd did not shy away from his father's travel company. Formed in 1997, Centro Latino was started in an attempt to expose English-speaking Caribbean nationals to Latin America and Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries through trips and tours.

Fast-forward to the present day, it is Shepherd's hope and responsibility to modernise the business. "I want to take it to a different level so that it can look and feel like 2009 and beyond. I want to revamp it."

As such, travel packages aren't limited only to Spanish-speaking countries but now can be tailored upon request to other destinations. "There is a trip going on every two to three months. Right now we are putting together packages for the next Olympics, and if persons want to visit a particular country, all they need to do is to enter the request and we will come up with a package to suit them."

Since leaving the corporate world behind in February 2008 to dedicate his energy and time to his own ventures, Shepherd shares what he misses the most. "I miss going for coffee in the mornings," he says comically. He continues, "Every day was something new in that world, and everything just pretty much ran at a fast pace."

Very dedicated

Dean Shepherd is a young businessman on the rise.

Looking in from the outside, persons might be of the perception that owning a business is less stressful than working for employers. But Shepherd says otherwise. "You have to be very dedicated. It can be extremely difficult, and you have to constantly be on the go. It can be risky, and I have had to make huge sacrifices. It is fun, but at the same time it can be challenging."

As for the sacrifices he made after resigning from his job, he has had to cut personal expenses to help fund his businesses, and has tailored his lifestyle by becoming a bit more stringent with his spending.

On the flip side, Shepherd has made some gains from being his own boss. "I wasn't able to balance my work, social and family lives before, but now I can find more time and I am able to go the gym."

Summing up his personality, Shepherd says "I am fun, easy-going, and a workaholic who plays hard; I am an interesting personality to work with, and I demand a lot from friends but also give a lot to them."

Blueprint Consulting is located at Suite 21, Mid Spring Mall, 134 Constant Spring Road. Telephone: 924-6761. Website:

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