Giving on a budget

Published: Monday | November 30, 2009

If you are among those who are lucky enough to be able to afford gifts for loved ones this Christmas, the ideas in the next 11 pages will be of help to you. The shopping areas have started to take on a festive look and feel, and merchants are hoping to cash in on what they did not make all year.

This year, it's a good idea to find out exactly what the recipients of your gifts need rather than go shopping for something they may end up not using at all.

Be smart when you shop, and patronise the places that will offer free gift-wrapping, shuttle service or other perks to make the experience pleasant and hassle-free.

Safety first

Be safe and take credit or debit cards rather than cash when you go out.

Be wise and cut down on using too much gas by carpooling. This will also alleviate the heavy traffic on the roads.

As always, we urge you to remember that it's the thought that counts, and this also means thinking carefully before you part with hard-earned money.

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