A scholarly evening of cocktails

Published: Sunday | November 1, 2009

NCB Chairman Michael Lee-Chin raps with students Sheneka Davidson (left) and Sara Salmon at the Scholarly Evening of Cocktails, held at Mona Visitors' Lodge, UWI, Mona, on October 22.- Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

The mood was one of total positivity at the NCB Scholarly Evening of Cocktails at the Mona Visitors' Lodge in St Andrew on Thursday, October 22.

The reception was hosted by executives of the NCB Foundation for the tertiary students who received scholarships from the institution. Olympian Sherone Simpson imparted words of perseverance to the youth. She described the rigours of training and studying plus, battling through knee injury to win a silver medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. She encouraged them to work hard despite whatever obstacles would come up. The scholarship winners were also boosted by two offerings from 2008 Rising Stars winner Cameal Davis who serenaded with Believe and Reach.

But it was the 'reasoning' (this was no speech in the formal sense of the word) that came from NCB Chairman Michael Lee-Chin that did the trick. A very frank Lee-Chin told the students some of the jobs he had before making it big. From bellhop on a cruise ship to a bouncer in a Canadian nightclub (can you imagine him throwing people out?) he showed that with the right mindset, determination, blessings (and a little luck), he was able to make it.

But he also told them that he soon felt he had a responsibility to speak up for those without a voice in the 'system'. He reminded the students that they had the opportunity to make the world a better place for those less fortunate.


Digicel Rising Stars winner 2008 Cameal Davis serenades at 'Scholarly Cocktails'. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

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