MY DOWN TIME WITH ...Jimmy Cliff

Published: Sunday | November 1, 2009

By now, it should have been decided whether this internationally acclaimed singer, actor and songwriter has made the final cut of five persons to be nominated to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year. Whether he is or not, Cliff is one of Jamaica's living musical legends who has travelled the globe and who continues to reinvent himself through his music as the years go by.

When he visited the island in September as the first in the series of guests on Breakfast with the Stars, to celebrate the Creative Production and Training Centre's 25th anniversary, Cliff spoke with Outlook about how he spends his free time.

What's the title of the last book you read?

You Can Heal Yourself by Louise Hay

Whose music are you listening to now?

I stay abreast of everything, it depends on the mood I'm in, I like to keep current.

Where was the last interesting place you visited?

A tiny Greek island during the summer, that was the perfect spot for a family vacation.

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