Jamaica rider tops T&T series

Published: Thursday | October 1, 2009

Jamaican cyclist Oneil Samuels won the Tour of San Fernando in Trinidad on Sunday. - Reuters

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC):

Despite finishing down the field in the 100 kilometre road race, Jamaican Oneil Samuels took the winner's jersey in the Tour of San Fernando, which finished Sunday.

Samuels was 17th in the event in a time of two hours, 35.04 minutes, while Canadian Daniele Defranceschi clocked 2:34:50 to cross the line first in the gruelling race.

However, Samuels' triumph in the four-stage event was virtually sealed after he won the first two stages and then finished second in Saturday's road race behind American Ryan Parnes.

Overall, Samuels finished with a collated time of 4:56:43, ahead of Colombian Lisbon Quintero, who had an overall time of 4:57:04. Parnes was third with 4:57:11.

Wide open final

The 100k road race started at City Hall on Harris Promenade in south Trinidad and took riders through La Brea, Point Fortin, Buenos Aires, Erin, Siparia and Avocat before finishing in La Romaine.

Barbadian Phillip Clarke finished second in 2:34:51, with Adze Digkhuis third in 2:34:55. Parnes and Quintero were fourth and fifth, respectively.

On Saturday, Parnes just got the better of Samuels to claim stage three in a time of 1:30.59 to leave the door open ahead of the final road race.

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