Self-righteousness writ large

Published: Thursday | October 1, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

It is clear that Dr Stephen Chang, by his letter published in The Gleaner on Wednesday, is among the group of Christians who stresses the importance of the day of worship than the actual person who is being worshipped. His arguments, which tossed the idea of 'Sunday sacredness', are loaded with selfishness and love for the faith rather than the Father.

Regardless of the fact that Dr Chang embraces the notion that Saturday is the 'holy' day of worship, had he been a more sincere Christian he would not have lambasted the idea of Sunday being also a sacred day, knowing that many persons take time out on this day to worship the same God he serves.

Sacredness of Sunday

Dr Chang stated that the president of the West Indies Union of Seventh-day Adventists should distance himself from a statement referring to the "sacredness of Sunday". Let me just pose these questions for Dr Chang, whom I would assume is a well-learned individual:

When these Christians gather on a Sunday, aren't they worshiping the same God you serve on a Saturday?

Aren't sinful souls brought to the throne of God on a Sunday in these churches as on Saturdays?

Is it the day of worship that is of paramount importance or the God that we serve?

I implore Dr Chang and other Adventists who are regurgitating the idea that there is nothing sacred about Sunday, to move away from this self-righteousness and realise that on a Sunday the name of God is exalted across the nation and that in itself makes it "sacred". It's time the denominations in this country stop the blabbing about the day and focus on the Kingdom of God.

I am, etc.,



Clonmel, St Mary

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