Distressing cases of abuse
Published: Thursday | October 1, 2009
For three consecutive days I've read three different stories about child abuse. In the first case a three-month-old infant was punched repeatedly in its face because the father was told he was given a 'jacket'. The infant later died at hospital. In the second case another infant was flung over a fence by its enraged mother because of some disagreement with the child's father.
Third, a ten-year-old's arm was broken by his father because he is not performing well in school.
Surely, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about every situation. We should all agree that at all times a child should be considered a 'heavenly gift' by both father and mother. As parents, we have the right to reprimand our children if they are disobedient or not doing well in school. However, to physically harm them just goes to show how inhumane and cruel we can become to our own flesh and blood.
Parents' problems
I believe education has a lot to do with these three situations. Parents who still believe that violence handed down to their children will cure the child's problem do not realise that their use of violence is a symptom of their own problems. Let us all be each child's keeper and place ourselves in a position to rescue the innocent from the hands of cruel persons be they parent, relative or whoever.
I am, etc.,
St Andrew