Jamaica Gleaner Letters

Published: Monday Thursday | October 1, 2009

LETTER OF THE DAY - The PM wasted a golden opportunity
The Editor, Sir: I am one of those Jamaicans whose firm belief it is that the individual best suited to lead our country out of its current predicament is Bruce Golding. Within the last couple of months and days, however, some of the pronouncements made by the prime minister... Read More...

Pernicious silence from the 'saints'
The Editor, Sir:Following the painful revelations of the Armadale incident, there has been a pernicious silence on the part of the so-called pro-life faction in Jamaica that so frequently advocates on behalf of the unborn.... Read More...

Distressing cases of abuse
The Editor, Sir: For three consecutive days I've read three different stories about child abuse. In the first case a three-month-old infant was punched repeatedly in its face because the father was told he was given a 'jacket'. Read More...

Self-righteousness writ large
The Editor, Sir: It is clear that Dr Stephen Chang, by his letter published in The Gleaner on Wednesday, is among the group of Christians who stresses the importance of the day of worship than the actual person who is being worshipped. Read More...

A daughter's gratitude
The Editor, Sir: On Friday, September 25, at 1 p.m., my mom experienced all the side effects of a medication and fainted after she alighted from a bus in the vicinity of Newport East.I subsequently received a call from a woman... Read More...

How sugar industry can boost economy
The Editor, Sir: The price of sugar has escalated on the world market and is causing serious concerns for producers in the industry and manufacturers of sugar products.This rise in sugar prices has affected industries that manufacture canned fruits... Read More...