Pernicious silence from the 'saints'
Published: Thursday | October 1, 2009
Following the painful revelations of the Armadale incident, there has been a pernicious silence on the part of the so-called pro-life faction in Jamaica that so frequently advocates on behalf of the unborn.
Those most vociferous about the sanctity of zygotes, embryos and foetuses seem to swallow their tongues when events concern the living, who have been defiled by their passage through the birth canal and have taken their initial gasp. That must certainly be the reason why there has been no outrage voiced over the compelling testimonies that have assaulted our sensibilities over the past few weeks.
No one penalised
Seven inmates of a juvenile facility for girls have perished in a manner most egregious, and bets are being placed that regardless of where the responsibility of their deaths is found to lie, no action will be taken and no one penalised, for like most of the 'probes' we hear about, this grand enquiry has been a mere farce.
I am, etc.,