Get your tan on with Jamaica Browning Coffee Tanning Oil

Published: Monday | September 21, 2009

Latoya Grindley, Gleaner Writer

After applying the tanning oil to the skin, an instant glow is achieved.

CAN'T GET enough of the aromatic scent of coffee? Would you like to achieve a chocolate brown tan that lasts longer than the average one? Well, if your answer is yes to both or at least one of the above questions, you are possibly in for a treat with the Jamaica Browning Coffee Tanning Oil.

Calling herself the sun goddess and lover of a well-tanned body, it come as no surprise to family and friends when Jennifer Mahfood decided to create her own tanning oil.

The Jamaica Browning Coffee Tanning Oil has been on the local market for approximately six months, coming to fruition after the idea was conceived about a year ago.

The idea, Mahfood explains, was generated by a tanning lotion which just didn't add up to her expectations. "I have been into oils for years and one day my girlfriends and I were talking about a particular tanning product we had used. It had what I would consider a mud factor that I didn't like and on that very same day I said to my friends, 'I can do better than this'."

Not to disappoint, she worked earnestly to see her plans come to life. The first thing she had to do was select her ingredients and then source them. Sourcing was a hard task as most of her ingredients were not available in the Caribbean and they were expensive. "A lot of the distributors of the individual ingredients required buying in bulk and that meant a lot of money but I eventually sourced distributors where I could purchase at a minimal."

Manufactured locally and distributed islandwide, the tanning oil is found in various pharmacies, tourist resorts and airports. Comprised of five main ingredients - coconut oil, grape seed oil, coffee oil - aloe vera oil and vitamin E oil, it is said to be beneficial to the skin. "The coffee oil is a great antioxidant and then you have aloe vera which is good for healing. The tanning oil is blended with ingredients that make a great union, and while working as a tanning oil, it also serves as a good moisturiser," notes Mahfood.

She says that while the coffee oil was easily the hardest to source, she persisted as it has many advantages in terms of preserving the skin. This was documented by researchers in studies done on its potency.

Not a sunscreen

Jennifer Mahfood says it is her love for the beach and achieving a flawless tan and tone which propelled her to come up with the tanning oil product.

Not to be mistaken as a sunscreen, regular use of a sunscreen before applying the oil is recommended. Mahfood says this is especially so for persons who are prone to sunburn.

She explains that the oil is to be used at all times whenever the skin is going to be in contact with the sun. "Before you go into the sun, even if it's for exercise. While it is moisturising the skin, it helps to give you colour and the colour will actually stay. It gives you a wonderful glow and the sweetest colour ever."

Mahfood notes that after achieving your dark, chocolate brown tan, attention has to be placed on maintaining it. "You have to still take care of your skin after a suntan. It is extremely important, and one of the ways to to do this is to oil or cream your body."

Soon to be added to her line of body products is the Groovy Bath and Body Oil. This, she notes, is a good part of the skin care regime.

All products are made of natural oils.