Jamaica Gleaner Commentary

Published: Monday Monday | September 21, 2009

EDITORIAL - Striking a deal with the IMF is important
IN ANNOUNCING the latest one percentage point cut in its benchmark rates last week, Jamaica's central bank said it could take the action because of the slowdown in inflation and the relative stability in the foreign-exchange market following the volatility... Read More...

A 'president' of, by and for his people
Mary Jane (not her real name) became a born-again Christian many years ago. She was, therefore, in a bind when her downtown arcade neighbour refused to honour a long-standing and substantial debt to her and several others... Read More...

Why beauty contests? - Why do we need beauty contests? Why do we need to compare people with each other on purely superficial terms and on the basis of physical attributes which are mostly an accident of nature? How is it that most of the beauty queens other than the festival... Read More...