CDA clarifies position

Published: Wednesday | August 5, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

By way of clarification, the news release issued by the Child Development Agency (CDA) to which Ms Moira Morgan refers in her letter, 'Worrying disregard for children' (August 1, 2009), was in response to specific questions raised by Jamaicans for Justice in another newspaper on June 8, 2009.

They wrote, "Were Armadale Juvenile Correctional Centre and SOS Children's Village licensed by the CDA?

Inadequate standards of care

If these centres have met the standards set by the CDA, why have seven deaths occurred in these two residences in less than one week? Is this a sign that standards of care are inadequate and thus the licensing system flawed, or delayed to the point of neglect?"

The opening sentence of the CDA's release read "The Child Development Agency (CDA) wishes to clarify any misconceptions which might arise from recent statements aired in the media, implying a possible linkage between the tragic incident at the Armadale Correctional Centre, which claimed the lives of seven girls, and a breakdown in the licensing of Residential Child Care Facilities".

We at the CDA were not at all trying to absolve ourselves of our responsibility for the care and protection of children. Ms. Morgan and others who are concerned may, therefore, set their minds at ease.

I am, etc.,



Child Development Agency

48 Duke Street
