Blacks as mimic men?
Published: Wednesday | August 5, 2009
There is a species of octopus called the mimic octopus that can imitate the behaviours of other animals. It was revealed in a recent documentary that it could even change shape to mimic other animals.
When one looks at the development of mankind, one of his main vehicles of advancement has been science and technology. It is apparent that not all races have contributed equally to the advancement of science and technology. This truth is even more evident in contemporary times.
The lack of any meaningful contribution of my race, the black race, is especially very noticeable. Today, in the 21st century, mankind's dependence on advance science and technology is more pronounced than at any other time in history. No civilised society can exist without today's advanced technologies.
Valuable contributions
Now, while it is true that our race has made valuable contributions to the arts - sports and entertainment in particular, our contributions to science has not been so noticeable. While sports and entertainment are important, compared to science, they are of very little intellectual value. No great race has ever been created out of entertainment.
It seems, however, that we are making some efforts in the sciences. However, when examined in detail, these are not really our efforts. We may have award-winning software experts, great technicians and world-renowned chemists. But the efforts of these people have not done much to advance mankind in any real way.
Indeed, when one really looks at our contributions to science, what we have done, for the most part, is to use and assemble the methodologies and base technologies that were already created by others. In truth, we have not created anything new - all we have done is to replicate the scientific creations of others. When examined, all of our scientific and technological 'inventions' fit this maxim.
If we are to be a great race, we must end our role as mimickers and copiers of others in the field of science and technology. We must not be content with just being the world's greatest entertainers. It is the race that masters science, not entertainment, that makes a real contribution to mankind's development.
I am, etc.,