Unwarranted cynicism

Published: Wednesday | August 5, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

Concerning your editorial of August 4, there are a few points with which I must contend. With regard to Sharon Hay-Webster's renunciation of the place of her birth, the article states that "Sharon Hay-Webster ... has come to recognise the improbability of eating her cake and still having it ... It has taken Mrs Hay-Webster over 15 months to get to this point".

It has to be reasserted that the situation regarding the MP for South Central South Catherine is unique among the bunch. Sharon Hay-Webster was born in the United States of America, but has made a commitment to serve Jamaica. Unknown to her and other parliamentarians was the fact that there existed legislation that would bring into question the terms of this service. The case of making an attempt to 'eat her cake and have it' is, therefore, fallacious.

Normal course of action

Of course, it is only natural for her to have taken the time to observe the legal processes and consult with the requisite authorities before taking action. Such is not being evasive, but a normal course of action for an individual born in one country with pertinent ties to another. Any attempt to construe the act of observation and consideration as 'mere desire for convenience' is spurious and indeed far from the truth.

I am, etc.,

