Jamaica Gleaner Letters
Published: Monday Wednesday | August 5, 2009
LETTER OF THE DAY - Weak water-management strategies
The Editor, Sir: The extent of devastation now being experienced due to drought conditions is almost entirely avoidable.Our water resources have been poorly managed over the years and the current implementation strategies... Read More...
Unwarranted cynicism
The Editor, Sir: Concerning your editorial of August 4, there are a few points with which I must contend. With regard to Sharon Hay-Webster's renunciation of the place of her birth, the article states that "Sharon Hay-Webster ... Read More...
Blacks as mimic men?
The Editor, Sir: There is a species of octopus called the mimic octopus that can imitate the behaviours of other animals. It was revealed in a recent documentary that it could even change shape to mimic other animals. Read More...
What are we doing to cushion hardships?
The Editor, Sir: "Good intentions die unless they are executed" and "Try to do all you can and make no fuss about it" were the words that greeted me in a text message from a friend early last Saturday morning which was celebrated as Emancipation Day.... Read More...
Tap coffee gold mine
The Editor, Sir: It is always difficult to see the link between an economically impoverished country being one of the best coffee providers in the world. It is like finding gold without a sense of its usefulness... Read More...
The more things change ...
The Editor, Sir: Seeing Kay Osborne looking stunning in your newspaper of August 3, reminds me that in Jamaica, with some things, the more things change, the more they remain the same. Read More...
National amnesia?
The Editor, Sir: Monday's headlines in the local newspapers were about 13 people killed over the Emancipation Weekend. Among those killed was a policeman... Read More...
Emphasise education, not marriage
The Editor, Sir: As an educator, shouldn't Esther Tyson be emphasising strong, sound education to be build a strong nation?To illustrate, I am going to be personal. My father did not marry my mother. Read More...
CDA clarifies position
The Editor, Sir: By way of clarification, the news release issued by the Child Development Agency (CDA) to which Ms Moira Morgan refers in her letter, 'Worrying disregard for children' (August 1, 2009), was in response to specific questions raised... Read More...
Poor customer service
The Editor, Sir: After much deliberation I am now convinced that much of the crime in Jamaica could be avoided if customer service were improved by the Government and local businesses. As Jamaicans, we are a rather frustrated nation and some of our worst... Read More...