Emphasise education, not marriage

Published: Wednesday | August 5, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

As an educator, shouldn't Esther Tyson be emphasising strong, sound education to be build a strong nation?

To illustrate, I am going to be personal. My father did not marry my mother. She abandoned me at nine months old. He did not have a formal education but he was very strict when it came to my education. I was his only child, although he got married when I was four years old.

Successful children

I now have two daughters. I did not marry their father until they were two-and-half, and eight months old. One is now a surgeon and was married for 10 years before she had her twins. The other is a law professor and had her first child after a year of marriage. Both are in their 30s.

Which is more important to our country - emphasising marriage or education? Is marriage going to be the path to education or education the path to marriage? Wouldn't it be sound basic education that would make parents know that "children have a primal need to know who they are, to love and be loved ... ."?

I wonder, is it elitism in those persons who are concerned about in wedlock/out of wedlock, good neighbour/bad neighbourhood?

I am, etc.,