A step forward for French

Published: Monday | June 15, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

In light of the new French curriculum that was presented on June 12 to education minister, Andrew Holness, I must say that Jamaica is broadening the possibilities of the nation to further participate and benefit from the advantages that foreign languages can offer in this globalised age.

For years, it has been a fear of mine that the policy of treating Spanish as the preferred foreign language would have imposed restrictions on modern language education in Jamaica. I have witnessed the declining interest in French in schools and the subsequent desperate efforts of Shortwood Teachers' College to revive the focus on this significant language.

As a student of international relations I am more than aware of the great importance that French has in significant international organisations such as the United Nations, the European Commission and the African Union. Thus, I applaud this recent progress in modern language education in Jamaica.

I am, etc.,



Puebla, Mexico