Why are so many being killed here?
THCRIME IN Jamaica is at a dismal, unbelievable and unacceptable high rate. Jamaica is regarded as the second most violent country in the world on a basis of per capita death. This year we have once again set a new record for the...
The hypocrisy of American democracy
THE UPCOMING presidential election in the United States of America has once again underscored that country's blatant mockery of democratic principles. Yet, the Bush administration has had the shameless presumption to lecture the entire..
Bush and his faith
THE EDITOR, Sir: President George W. Bush often invokes his Christian faith when campaigning, yet, I believe that some of his actions could be deemed questionable in this regard. The Bible speaks about caring for the poor, yet, President Bush .
Disturbing news on HIV/AIDS
I AM writing this letter with regard to a presentation done by Dr. Peter Figueroa at the Shortwood Teachers' College. It is stunning to note the fact of the rapid increase of HIV/AIDS in Jamaica. Persons are living at risk...
Nelson killing awful reminder
THE NATIONAL Organisation of Women sends its deepest regrets to the family of Dwight Nelson and hopes that the perpetrator of this dreadful crime is quickly brought to justice. No country can hope to survive if a nation is...
In general I find The Gleaner, as most media, a depressing essential to my day. By and large the tone in which we address each other and our situation is shrill and harsh.