Refusal to vote
THE EDITOR, Sir: MAY I suggest that the following extract from Melville Cooke's article 'Why I still refuse to vote' be laminated, framed and sent by registered mail to each practicing politician who sits in a tax-paid office for them to hang there to...
Guarded enclaves and unfulfilled dreams
THE EDITOR, Sir: THE DAY before the shootings in Rema, my wife and I visited with a friend struggling against the desperation of the garrison communities. She runs a small remedial school as part of Operation Restoration. And there, despite the...
Sexual orientation and the PM
THE EDITOR, Sir: I AM in total disagreement with your comments made Sunday, June 17, 2001.
The PNP's neglect of St Mary
THE EDITOR, Sir: I WAS born in the parish of St. Mary and spent some of my young years living there.
Reliable information a casualty of conflict
THE EDITOR, Sir: IT IS very disheartening to hear of the continued slaughter and mayhem being brought to bear on so many citizens who live in the inner cities. For too many years charges and counter-charges have been the modus operandi of the major...
Voting and democracy
THE EDITOR, Sir: VOTING IS a necessary feature of democracy. Governments take office solely (or primarily) on the basis of ballots cast in elections. Yet, voting is not as unproblematic as Member of Parliament Delroy Chuck would have us believe...