MAY I suggest that the following extract from Melville Cooke's article 'Why I still refuse to vote' be laminated, framed and sent by registered mail to each practicing politician who sits in a tax-paid office for them to hang there to remind themselves constantly of how miserably they have failed the nation:
"It is a statement that I agree not only with that party's policies and am enthused WITH THEIR VISION FOR MY COUNTRY, but also endorse their methods and conduct. And I refuse to endorse murder. I refuse to endorse arson. I refuse to endorse terrorism. I refuse to endorse thuggery. I refuse to endorse the awarding of contracts to party faithful. I refuse to endorse garrison constituencies. I refuse to endorse political victimisation. I refuse to endorse wastage, theft and CORRUPTION. I refuse to endorse political appointments to government postings. I refuse to become 'my people' as politicians refer to their supporters. I refuse to endorse all the nastiness associated with Jamaican POLITRICKS.'
Personally, I would be willing to pay for the costs involved. This is not an endorsement of non-participation in the civic process. In a democracy the responsibility to vote is the most precious. Melville Cooke has taken an apparent temporary stand for a cause and his rationale is profound.
I am etc.,
1106 SW 9th St Newport, Or, USA
Via Go-Jamaica