Jamaica Gleaner News
Published: Monday Wednesday | December 23, 2009
Be positive, help a neighbour this Christmas

Hi neighbour! I share the opinion that if our news media were to give more prominence to the positive things that have been happening around us, our people would have a more positive outlook on life.Christmas is certainly a beautiful time of the year!... Read More...
Book industry joins criticism of tax package
Less than 24 hours before Prime Minister Bruce Golding announces changes to the Government's latest tax package, the Book Industry Association of Jamaica (BIAJ) has added its voice to those chiding the administration over the initial measures.... Read More...
Court orders demolition of Elletson Flats units
Three housing developers' dreams to provide affordable housing for university students have been dashed by a Supreme Court order for the Kingston and St Andrew Corporation (KSAC) to demolish the unauthorised buildings.... Read More...
Unity government shunned - Portia, Bruce can't make the NDM's team
Prime Minister Bruce Golding and his counterpart, Portia Simpson Miller, have been dismissed by the National Democratic Movement (NDM) as credible persons around which to build a government of national unity... Read More...
Christmas wish list
WESTERN BUREAU: Mark Brown, 12"Wata! Wata!" shouts vibrant 12-year-old Mark Brown of Montego Bay, St James, hurrying to his customers as they stop at the traffic light along the Howard Cooke Boulevard in the Second City. Read More...
PICA Corner - Does my child qualify for unconditional landing status?
I am a Jamaican citizen by naturalisation and I have adopted a baby overseas. The baby was also born overseas. Can I get an unconditional landing stamp in her passport? Read More...
Transport changes for Spanish Town
Starting today, buses that ply Route Six from Spanish Town to Portmore will have to use the transportation park along King Street in the Old Capital, not the one along Burke Road. The decision was made during a meeting at the St Catherine Parish Council with members... Read More...
Christmas spending tightens as tax axe falls
With the global recession already causing persons to tighten their belts, there could be further shaving down of budgets this Christmas, due to the announcement of a new tax package. When The Gleaner took to the streets on Monday... Read More...
St Catherine cares for less fortunate
Adolfus Moncrieffe openly said a prayer after he received a hot meal and other goodies during the annual St Catherine Poor Relief treat on Monday."Thank you Jesus for feeding us again. The food really nice and it makes me feel good... Read More...
Holiday cheer brought to children
It seemed a bit chaotic and dis-organised, but the children holding their gifts basked in happiness and appeared overly excited."It feels good," said Janel Hunter from Jones Town as she sat smiling with presents under her left arm... Read More...
Mandeville community mourns loss of a leader
The elite, poor, rich and middle class of Mandeville were all one as they filed into the New Beulah Moravian Church on Brumalia Road in Mandeville on Friday, December 11, to bid farewell to businessman Vincent Young. Mr Young was gunned down and robbed... Read More...
Former chief justice dies
Retired Chief Justice Kenneth Smith died Monday at the age of 89.He served as chief justice from 1973-1985. In 1965, he was appointed Supreme Court judge, and in 1970 was named to sit in the appeal court until his appointment... Read More...