It's not 'Latty's' fault

Published: Tuesday | November 10, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

It dawned on me after reading the various articles on the debacle of the Bank of Jamaica, that there seems to be a tone of blame being attributed to the ex-governor for his "repugnant" contract.

I find this ridiculous at best. The ex-governor should have every right to pursue vigorously the clauses in his contract to his best advantage which, clearly, he did. He should be lauded. I mean wouldn't all of us like to have a contract with benefits like that?

Who should be blamed here and take a vigorous tongue-and-pen lashing are both the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and People's National Party (PNP) administrations for allowing this to continue for as long as it did.

The only measure they needed have used to determine the inappropriateness of the contract and its present manifestation is one's gut and conscience. It just doesn't sit well when you hear it described. It seems outrageous in its magnitude and limitlessness.

Clearly the PNP has no conscience and a rotten gut because its response to the people was, "oh it has always been that way". Well that simply validates the side of the House on which they sit. The JLP, however, has shown particular and, unfortunately, all too common, incompetence in its handling of this matter from a public- and employee-relations standpoint. Was there no way to structure a dignified, private and well-timed conclusion to this matter?

I am etc.,


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