Where does parenting begin?

Published: Tuesday | November 10, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

I was just reading the Ask the Doc column in The Gleaner of November 9, and I noticed a parent writing for advice regarding her 10-year-old son who is unable to read. Even though she is seeking help, she is also not taking responsibility for her part in this. She is instead casting blame on the Government for not having enough reading specialists. This leads me to ask: Where does her parenting begin?

First, how can she just be seeking help now that the child is 10? What is she doing to help? Parents need to realise they need to foster a love for learning and reading in children from they are babies and they have to work at it daily. Why should they sit down depending on the Government? Did the Government have the child?

She states that she has a 15-year-old who is doing fairly well. What they both need to do is work out a schedule where they can take turns helping the 10-year-old with his reading. She also needs to get him assessed to find out if he has a learning disability. I think she needs to ask herself whether she can afford not to help her child. He is her responsibility, not the Government's.

I am, etc.,



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