Not all online universities are bad

Published: Tuesday | November 10, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

In response to Carolyn Cooper's article 'Dog gets MBA online' (November 8), I do believe there are online universities performing way below the level at which a university is supposed to perform. There are also those online universities which have very good programmes accredited in the different states in the US.

However, I noticed she mentioned University College of the Caribbean (UCC) in her article, as if to say the board member who had criticised her was ashamed to mention the fact that he was on UCC board of directors. I really do not think that was the case. I have found out that graduates of the UCC, University of Technology and Northern Caribbean University are more acceptable in the employment world in the United States, as they are well known here. While the University of the West Indies (UWI) might have good programmes, their overseas-marketing strategies are not effective.

I also believe UCC is doing very well despite the fact that it is relatively young, in comparison to UWI that has been around for so long.

I am, etc.,


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