Jamaica Gleaner News
Published: Monday Wednesday | November 4, 2009
'I am available'- Newby hopes to run for MP

WARREN NEWBY, the outgoing president of Generation 2000 (G2K) - the youth affiliate of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) - has given the clearest indication that he is heading into representational politics. "Certainly, I hope to run as a member of parliament in this election... Read More...
New day in industrial relations, says Charles
ST ANDREW: Pearnel Charles, minister of labour and social security, has said a new approach to industrial relations in Jamaica is coming.According to the minister, the new approach would be built on partnership and cooperation... Read More...
St Ann Bauxite Ltd changes name
ST ANN's BAY, ST ANN: The St Ann Jamaica Bauxite Partners has been renamed Noranda Bauxite Limited, effective September 24, 2009. The name-change was as a result of the acquisition by Noranda Aluminium of shares previously held by Century Aluminium... Read More...
JP honoured after 56 years' service
Retired army captain and Justice of the Peace, Rudolph Jobson, was one of three Justices honoured by the St Ann Justices of the Peace Association at its annual awards banquet Saturday night at Hibiscus Lodge hotel in Ocho Rios, St Ann... Read More...
Foreign ministers' meetings on today
MONTEGO BAY, St James: Jamaica will be hosting two important meetings of Foreign Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean (CALC) on Integration and Development and the Rio Group from today until Friday at the Rose Hall Resort and Spa Hotel in Montego... Read More...
'I did not say Virgin deal was legal'
Paula Llewellyn, director of public prosecutions, has taken issue with an article and in particular a headline published in The Gleaner on Saturday, October 31, 2009. As is only fair, this newspaper has allowed the office of the director to have its say... Read More...
Longville Park starts taxi club
SPANISH TOWN, St Catherine: Louie Burton, head of the Jamaica Association of Transport Owners, has lauded the initiatives which led to the launch of Jamaica's first Taxi Club.Burton was speaking of the creation of the Longville Park Taxi Club... Read More...
Motorcyclist dies - MANDEVILLE, Manchester:A motorcyclist, 54-year-old Walford Mills of a Kingston 8 address, was killed on the Winston Jones Highway in a traffic accident. Eyewitness reports are that Mills was riding... Read More...
JUTC makes the call for contractors
The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) has opened its doors for potential contractors to provide service in some areas of the Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region (KMTR). Advertisements published in the press points to the need for 79 units to transport passengers... Read More...
PICA corner - Renouncing Jamaican citizenship
Q. I am recently married to a German national, and wish to become a citizen of that country. Germany does not recognise dual citizenship, and so I need to renounce my Jamaican citizenship. How do I go about doing this? Read More...
Bruce on Latibeaudiere and Lewin
Prime Minister Bruce Golding has laid his cards on the table regarding the recent and shocking movements in the country's leadership. Derick Latibeaudiere, former governor of the Bank of Jamaica, had an untenable contract, he says, while Hardley Lewin, Read More...