Jamaica Gleaner Profiles in Medicine

Published: Monday Wednesday | November 4, 2009

DO SOMETHING about crime and violence
Another commissioner of police has resigned and the finger-pointing has started. It seems that we are still expecting just one individual to solve Jamaica's crime problem. Surprise! Surprise! That is not going to happen. One person cannot solve this mess... Read More...

Parents, prepare your daughters for puberty
When I was about 10 years old, my mother brought home a few paperback books. They were thin, easy to read and, at the time, I found the topics exciting and interesting. She advised me to read them thoroughly and to ask her any questions that might arise. Read More...

Fibre vs whole grains
There is some confusion concerning whole grains and fibre. Are they the same? Do you need both whole grains and fibre? In a word, yes. The dietary guidelines for Americans recommend at least three servings of whole-grain foods daily... Read More...

Steps to good oral health
Poor oral health can affect a person's quality of life. Oral pain, missing teeth or oral infections can influence the way a person speaks, eats and socialises. These oral health problems can reduce quality of life by affecting physical, mental and social well-being... Read More...

H1N1 vaccine is safe
Only one dose of vaccine is needed for protection against pandemic H1N1 flu and the jabs have so far proved to be safe, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said last week. Health experts have been debating whether one or two shots are necessary to protect against... Read More...