Jamaica Gleaner Flair

Published: Monday Monday | October 5, 2009

Wendy Fitzwilliam: Beauty queen, attorney, author, mother
In 1998 she walked away with the title of Miss Universe. Today she is a proud single mother, vice-president of a large corporation and author. The road has been fraught with challenges for the 30-something, who says she would change nothing about her life... Read More...

Fashion capitals' fashion weeks
Models from Pulse Investments put their best foot forward as they strutted down the runways for the world's most popular fashion weeks. Read More...

HONOURING EXCELLENCE - Art and nature intertwined
Working with her hands has brought her many accolades and on Heroes Day, another one will be added. We speak of the Order of Distinction in the rank of Officer (OD) that will be bestowed upon Norma Rodney Harrack, renowned potter, artist and lecturer... Read More...

LAWS OF EVE - Adding the father's name
While this article should not be substituted for advice from an attorney-at-law or personnel at the Registrar General's Department, I will outline some of the ways in which the problem may be avoided or remedied. A critical... Read More...

KELLY'S WORLD - What a bulla!
In Jamaican parlance (for those not aware), bulla refers to a dis. And those in the judicial sector especially have been hit with a big one from British judge Lord Nicholas Phillips who reportedly suggested that Caribbean countries and other Commonwealth nations... Read More...

FLAIR COUPLE - Love gives us a fairy tale
In the middle of their ordinary life, love gave Kamar Brown and Nordia Johns a fairy tale. On August 15, they exchanged vows at the Webster Memorial United Church in St Andrew... Read More...

Endless love
On August 2, at 11 a.m., 110 family and close friends gathered at the Kencot SDA Church to witness the joining of Robert Smith and Sharline Davis in marriage.With a bouquet of white Casablanca and yellow roses, the bride, dressed in a gown... Read More...

BEAUTY - Wigging it
Long hair or maybe short, black or honey gold, curly or bone straight, it's all about exploring your options without having to touch your own hair. There are options in every length, cut and colour to suit your individual need, taste and personality... Read More...

HEALTH AND FITNESS - I met the devil - Keisha Goes to boot camp
Keisha is now settled at boot camp - she agonises daily, but here on the Lifestyle desk, we monitor her and encourage her. Here is the second instalment of her diary. Last week at boot camp, for a moment I thought I had died and gone to hell because... Read More...

Trading technology for wellness
After 22 years as chief executive officer (CEO) of a multimillion-dollar information technology (IT) firm, Shirley Moulton packed it in and began working in the field of wellness. She was one of the presenters who flew in from the United States of America... Read More...

SINGULAR SUBJECTS - Where is the outrage and shame?
A few weeks ago when Sunday horse racing was announced, the Church was extremely loud in its condemnation of it. Never mind the fact that horse racing does already take place on some people's day of worship. Nowhere in the Ten Commandments does it say... Read More...