SINGULAR SUBJECTS - Where is the outrage and shame?

Published: Monday | October 5, 2009

The Soloist, Contributor

A few weeks ago when Sunday horse racing was announced, the Church was extremely loud in its condemnation of it. Never mind the fact that horse racing does already take place on some people's day of worship. Nowhere in the Ten Commandments does it say 'thou shalt not race horses on a Sunday'.

But the same commandments do state 'thou shalt not kill', and that act witnessed on a local television station recently came close to killing. So, where is the outrage from the church? It happened in front of several witnesses, yet no one saw a thing when the time came to stand up and tell the truth.

Why was it in such proximity to a police station yet not one of the boys in blue came to the aid of the victim?

It happened while several people looked on, yet not one came to the cab driver's aid.

It happened while several people looked on and other motorists were present, yet the injured man had to drive himself to the hospital that was less than two minutes away. There was obviously no milk of human kindness around on that day.

There is still no sense of moral outrage in our fair isle. I guess we are so busy being the third happiest place on earth, we don't want anything to spoil our euphoria.

It is important to note that a young black boy was beaten to death in Chicago recently, in plain view of several witnesses. Like in Papine, none of the witnesses standing there while the camera rolled saw a thing. No one is coming forward to give evidence for fear of reprisal and being regarded as a snitch. I guess we have now become so used to heinous acts of violence everywhere, we have grown immune to their effects.

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