Miriam aims for 150

Published: Thursday | October 1, 2009

Miriam Chambers Hyde

As the Senior Citizens' Week continues, The Gleaner will also continue to highlight the most senior of that group. Those who have lived in and contributed to our society for more than 100 years. Today, meet Miriam Chambers Hyde.


After living a long and fruitful life, Miriam Cham-bers Hyde still believes that, through the grace of God, she can easily live to see 150 years.

Chambers Hyde celebrated her 105th birthday on May 19, and it would appear that, for her, life has just begun.

The centenarian, who was born and raised at Hampden in Trelawny, has a pleasant personality and was not shy to speak about her romance story with her first husband, Edward Jesse Chambers - a former butler at the Hampden Estate.

"I remember one day, I went to do some sewing at Dumfries (St James) at a friend, and when I was going back home I had to walk through the Hampden Estate," she recalled. "Rain fell and I was running to get shelter and he came to hold me ... it was there that he 'captured me'."

She does not recollect the date of their marriage but the couple had four children before she became a widow in 1946. Years later, she married Simion Hyde. He died in 1992 - their union did not produce any children.

Her guiding principle for life is: "Love your neighbour as yourself, honour your mother and father, that your days may be long on the earth."

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