Vox pop

Published: Thursday | October 1, 2009

How is the increase in the tax on telephone cards and calls going to affect you?

Tevin Davis, 13, student:

I will have to make fewer calls, which won't be good for me because I have to stay in touch with my friends and family abroad. It will also break down communication with my friends at school, so the raise will affect me big time.

Andrea Bennett, 33, assistant cook:

I am going to cut down on some of the calls that I make. When we meet we talk because the cost of living is too high. I can't afford to add anything else to my budget.

Angella Donaldson,13, student:

It is going to be hard for me because I won't be able to afford the phonecards like I used to, so I will be talking on the phone less. I won't be able to keep in touch with my family and friends often, because I will have to start conserving.

Elaine Hayden, 43, practical nurse:

I will just have to buy fewer phonecards because I can't afford to spend any more money. I won't be able to make my important calls, so it will affect me in some way.

Bevon Boothe, 44, unemployed:

It is going to affect me a lot because I am not working now, so I can't afford to pay more for the cards. I don't know what is going to happen now because I use the phone a lot. Sometimes I have to call people for money and I won't be able to do it again and them not going to call me, so it is going to be bad.

Dottie Brown, 45, vendor:

I don't like the raise now because I sell phonecards and I am sure I will be losing sales because people won't be able to afford it. In addition, I am not going to be able to use my phone as often as I used to because I can't afford the raise.

Brenton Clarke, 35, driver:

Everybody paying out more and more not coming in, so the phonecard raise is going to be difficult for the country. I will have to discipline myself by making fewer calls.

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