Golding's choice - JLP insiders, analysts ponder potential Cabinet cuts

Published: Thursday | October 1, 2009


Prime Minister Bruce Golding's announcement yes-terday that he will be cutting his 16-member Cabinet has sparked discussions in political circles, with strong arguments about who should go and who should stay.

Golding has not given any indication of the number of ministers to be left when he reduces the Cabinet, or the timeline for the long-suggested cut, but analysts expect at least two and maybe as many as four ministers could be out of jobs.

This would be in keeping with calls from the Opposition People's National Party (PNP) that the Cabinet should be cut.

The PNP has long argued that some port-folios could be combined, reducing the size of the Cabinet and saving the country millions of dollars.

However, it would not be just a question of economics for Golding. He will also have to consider the political implications when he decides who will go home and who will stay.

Yesterday, Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) insiders refused to provide an official comment on the pending changes, arguing that it was the right of the prime minister to name his Cabinet and make any adjustments that he sees fit.

However, when off the record, the JLP insiders listed ministers they believed were safe and those on shaky ground.


Audley Shaw - Finance - Would send a wrong signal to the market if he is changed now

Andrew Holness - Education - Seen as one of the shining stars in the Cabinet

Dwight Nelson - National Security - Can't have four security ministers in three years.

Ed Bartlett - Tourism, Keeping the industry afloat when others around are floundering

Ken Baugh - Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade: Deputy PM, JLP chairman and key Golding ally

Rudyard Spencer - Health: Has settled in his new role and won the respect of health professionals

Christopher Tufton - Agriculture and Fisheries: Another of the young, shining stars

Karl Samuda - Industry, Investment and Commerce: Party general secretary and experienced head in the Cabinet


Mike Henry - Transport and Works - One of the experienced heads in the Cabinet and the party's leader in central Jamaica.

Dr Horace Chang - Water and Housing - A quiet worker who rules western Jamaica.

James Robertson - Mining and Energy - Another of the young, hard workers

Dorothy Lightbourne - Justice & Attorney General - The architect of proposed legislative changes

Pearnel Charles - Labour and Social Security: His experienced head will be needed at Labour, especially now

Olivia Grange - Youth, Sports and Culture: This portfolio can be easily absorbed in other ministries, but 'Babsy' is a political heavyweight

Daryl Vaz - Minister without portfolio in the OPM: Seen as a hard worker and recently promoted but should be around at the end.

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