Creative leadership needed - Nettleford

Published: Thursday | October 1, 2009

Daraine Luton, Senior Staff Reporter


IT MAY have been gathering dust for 17 years, but one of the most authoritative reports on the size of government is still relevant today.

That's Professor Rex Nettleford's take on the work he and a team of experts undertook in 1992.

"What is required is creative leadership and the present crisis we are in now demands this not only of Jamaica but all over," Nettleford, vice-chancellor emeritus at the University of the West Indies, told The Gleaner.

Still relevant

Nettleford chaired the Committee of Advisers on Government Structure which produced its report in 1992. The report proposed that the size of the Cabinet be cut to 11 core functions and that a new structure of government seek to maximise the benefits of interaction between the state, private sector and civil society.

"It is still relevant," Nettleford said of the recommendations in the report.

Prime Minister Bruce Golding told Parliament, during his contribution to the debate on the First Supplementary Estimates early yesterday morning that job cuts were coming for the public sector, and that reports on how to rationalise the government operations would be utilised in this process.

"The Public Sector Modernisation Division of the Cabinet Office is a repository of numerous studies that have been done, many plans that have been designed," the prime minister said as he spoke to restructuring of government.

He added: "What must now be done is to proceed purposefully and determinedly to implement the changes that are long overdue."

Core ministries proposedin Nettleford Report

Office of the Prime Minister andMinister of Defence

Ministry of Finance and Planning

Ministry of Resource Development

(Education, Training, Science, Technology and Culture)

Ministry of Health and Environment

Ministry of Agriculture and Mining

Ministry of Trade, Industry andTourism

Ministry of Justice and NationalSecurity

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Labour, Employment andSocial Services

Ministry of Housing, Works andPublic Utilities

Ministry of Local Government andCommunity Development.

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