Jamaica Gleaner News
Published: Monday Monday | September 21, 2009
Young advocate receives Chevening Scholarship

In Jamaican parlance, 'nuff' means enough, much, many, a lot, etc. But, it also means 'too involved'. In the second context, it carries a negative connotation, and is used to describe people who are overbearing and insufferable... Read More...
Becoming a Justice of the Peace
Jonathan Brown* has been living in his community in rural Jamaica for more than 30 years. He wants to become a Justice of the Peace (JP) but is unsure of the procedures to become a member of this august body. Additionally, he wants to know what functions... Read More...
International Peace Day - Jamaica committed to world nuclear disarmament
Jamaica committed to world nuclear disarmament The following is a statement by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Dr Ken Baugh in recognition of today's celebration of International Peace Day. Jamaica joins... Read More...
Finding a breeder
The following article was contributed by the Jamaica Kennel Club Ltd (JKC). Founded in 1960, the JKC's goal is "promoting in every way the general improvement of dogs" through education, responsible dog ownership, an accredited breeder programme.... Read More...
'Reclaim Jamaica' - Judge calls for jurors to do their duty
WESTERN BUREAU: Justice Donald McIntosh last Wednesday called for law-abiding Jamaicans to help in the drive to sustain the positive image recently given to Jamaica, through the success of world record holder Usain Bolt, by becoming more active in the dispensation... Read More...
Signs of suicidal tendency among Jamaican teens
This is the second instalment from the soon-to-be-released second edition of the book Confronting Suicide: Helping Teens at Risk by Dr Donovan Thomas.IT IS a fact that everyone who contemplates or commits suicide, not just teenagers, tends to leave... Read More...
Help me deal with the 'why' questions!
Q. My son is almost three and is asking a lot of 'why' questions. Truthfully, it is sort of annoying. How can I stop him or slow him down? A. It is absolutely wonderful that your son at this age is asking 'why' questions... Read More...
Turning off the television
When I was writing about a cocoon or a closet for our children recently, I also had television in mind but did not get into it because that would have meant leaving out other things. Yup, television is a whole world unto itself... Read More...
My baby is better at this than your baby
I've heard of this happening to friends of mine, and now I'm starting to experience it myself. The ultimate competition has started folks, the one that plagues every parent, and ultimately their children: Has your baby started doing 'a' yet? Read More...
He enriched the justice system - Lightbourne
Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Senator Dorothy Lightbourne, has paid tribute to retired Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Glen Andrade, CD, QC, who died Thursday afternoon at the Andrews Memorial Hospital.Positive impactIn paying tribute,... Read More...