Pike, Rodgers receive high honoursfrom the JTB

Published: Wednesday | June 17, 2009

Janet Silvera, Senior Gleaner Writer


A six-pack of Red Stripe beer heralded the Marcia Vickery-Wallace trophy that journalist Joe Pike held as he shared the spotlight with the 2009 Marcella Martinez awardee, Air Jamaica's William Rodgers, in New York last week.

The two men were the toast of the Jamaica Tourist Board prestigious awards presentations during the Caribbean Tourism Organisation's Allied Awards Luncheon, held at the New Yorker Hotel, as Caribbean Week in the Big Apple came to a close.

They were both recognised for their efforts in marketing the Caribbean as a premier travel destination.

A seasoned veteran of the travel industry who came out of retirement on the request of the Government of Jamaica to serve as interim president and CEO of Air Jamaica in 2007, Rodgers has more than 35 years of experience in the airline sector.


"This is euphoria for me, having spent so many years among the communities of the Northeast United States, establishing the community department for Air Jamaica, while reaching several generations," said the senior director of government and community affairs at the airline.

Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett, who made the presentation, lauded him for his role in promoting the Caribbean and its people.

"This award is most deservingly presented to Will, as he is affectionately called," he quipped.

Established in 2004, the Marcella Martinez Award is presented annually for unparalleled achievement in the design and implementation of successful programmes to strengthen and support Caribbean tourism. The award is named in honour of Jamaican Marcella Martinez, who charted a career in public relations focused on Caribbean tourism.

Pike, a writer with Travel Agent magazine, was honoured for the passion with which he has written about the region.

High-profile events

A lover of Red Stripe beer, he was rewarded with a six-pack of his favourite drink by Director of Tourism John Lynch, who said, "Joe has visited and covered high-profile events in countries all over the world, but since taking over the Caribbean beat, he has demonstrated a deep love for the culture and the people.

"He has travelled to and written on just about every island in the Caribbean and cherishes each experience."

Pike has been covering the Caribbean for some three years and since that time has visited the region more than 100 times. Some of his notable cover stories, include 'Family Travel in the Caribbean' and 'Hidden Carib-bean Gems'.

On one of Pike's first assign-ments to the Caribbean, he visited Chukka Caribbean Adventures, where he participated in the horseback ride and swim activity. He admits that while he was quite nervous riding alongside the cliff, his capable tour guide allayed his fears. This, he believes, embodies the spirit of not just Jamaica but the entire Caribbean, adding, "If you trust them, they will trust you right back."
