Clamp down on lawlessness

Published: Tuesday | May 19, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

In the attempts to rid this country of crime and violence, we must not ignore the simple unlaw-ful behaviour of our citizens. Punishing people for these simple things can do this country at least three good things: (1) Collect much-needed revenue, (2) Keep our environment cleaner (3) Encourage lawful behaviour by Jamaicans.

The law needs to be revised so that when persons are caught, the penalties are meaningful enough; no one would want to break the law. Heavy fines and/or jail time is recommended.

Illegal connections

Everywhere you go in this country, there are illegal connections to JPS power lines, even in front of police stations. Why don't the police arrest and charge people for these blatant crimes? Does the Government realise the amount of revenue it could collect if heavy fines were imposed?

Anyone who operates a bar, grocery shop, restaurant, barber shop and beauty salon should always display a license. Such licences should only be issued when the requisite taxes have been filed and paid, and the regulations governing their businesses are followed.

Removed and fined

Persons who operate roadside garages should be removed and fined heavily; they should be forced to register their business and operate in a clean and wholesome environment.

There are also the people who use the road to store building materials, park or store vehicles for extended periods of time. They should be ticketed to the extent that they desist from these practices.

You may need to assign special constables to assist the police in identifying these illicit deeds, as they are sometimes blind to these unlawful behaviours.

I am, etc.,