Why not help illiterate drivers?

Published: Monday | March 16, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

One of Jamaica's biggest faults is that we do not address issues that face us. Instead, we do a follow-fashion thing of dealing with issues that we read about in other countries.

Last week's announcement of the right to drive by the hearing impaired was greeted with much excitement. A good thing, but how many deaf drivers do we have in Jamaica?

On the other hand, we have a lot of drivers and would-be drivers in Jamaica who cannot pass the required reading test so they buy a licence. Since they have to buy the licence they don't even bother learning to drive properly.

Traffic signs

In all modern countries not being able to read does not stop anyone from getting a driver's licence. Jamaica adopted standard international graphic signage many years ago. A foreigner who doesn't understand a word of English can legally drive in Jamaica. Children who have not yet learned to read can easily understand our traffic signs.

Yet, we continue to punish those members of our society who were denied the opportunity to learn to read by banning them from driving.

This is ridiculous! We should give people the option of a sign-recognition test and allow them to learn to drive and legally qualify for a driver's licence, as is done all over the world. The result would be safer roads, less corruption and a little more justice in this society.

I am, etc.,



Cave, Westmoreland