Jamaica Gleaner Commentary

Published: Monday Monday | March 16, 2009

EDITORIAL - A scandalous affair
We find it is absolutely scandalous that the Jamaican government does not feed prisoners during the period they are away from lock-ups and at court and on trial for their alleged crimes. That assertion - up to now unchallenged - came to public notice last Thursday .... Read More...

Treasure our people to save tourism
It's that time of year again when American college students travel in droves to well-known hot spots for their spring break festivities. I found out just how much our hotels treasure spring-breakers 16 years ago, when my wife and I reserved a room... Read More...

Go slow re sugar lands - Minister of Agriculture Dr Christopher Tufton should not rush to divest the sugar cane lands. He should carry out a detailed study of how to utilise at least 25 per cent of the sugar cane lands ... Read More...