Sistren's intervention

Published: Monday | March 16, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

Last Thursday, Jamaica's Parliament was presented with an historic event - informative drama with drums, to boot!

We are well on the way to coming into our own form of governance. Sistren certainly 'tek it to dem'.

Parliamentarians need to realise what is really happening on the ground for many women with regard to reproductive health and unsafe abortions in Jamaica before they get high and mighty and make decisions on matters that they - at least some of them - have not taken the time and effort to understand.

Get beyond egotism

And I say this with regard to their often poor showing and limited engagement with the issues at hand. Why are we so reluctant to address uncomfortable truths?

I urge the parliamentarians to take this opportunity that Sistren has presented them with by their 'slice of reality on the ground' to really study the issues and get beyond dogma and egotism.

Women's rights are human rights too, lest they forget.

I am, etc.,