Jamaica Gleaner Saturday Features
Published: Monday Saturday | February 7, 2009
No harm in charms

Jazzing up your image with bold, edgy jewellery doesn't preclude embracing the inner you. But how can you let out the concert-goer, hip-hop enthusiast or beauty queen hopeful in your chains... Read More...
Indulge yourself with this week's picks >> 5 senses
Feast your eyes on delectable Caribbean cuisine and learn about the tasty dishes that Jamaicans and others cook up in their kitchens. Read More...
Pause that proposal - 10 ways NOT to pop the question this Valentine's
Couples giddy with love will soon be rummaging through the closet for outdated red and white outfits, ordering diabolically delicious chocolate treats and flowers... Read More...
The love of chocolate
Love is universal but there is one word that transcends all cultures: chocolate - that perfect food that sweetly embraces all that is good in life.Bitter, sweet, crunchy or smooth, all chocolates are not created equal. Read More...
Sweet & dandy -
The history of Jamaican sweets
Jamaicans are among the 'sweetest' people on Earth. We laden our tea with condensed milk, we favour sugary sodas and syrupy sky juices and yes, we love our candy. In days gone by, before the market... Read More...
Cat got your thong?
Upsize Valentine's with downsized underwear
Girls, the clock is running down to Valentine's Day so get cracking with plans. If you're the type who anticipates being covered in chocolate by your significant other, or the transformation of 'Mr Right Now' into 'Mr Right Period', read... Read More...
Style SATURDAY: 'Hair' comes the bride
Say to her, 'Your wedding day's here', and the bride will invariably plunge into hair-raising hysteria, worrying that the ring, dress, flowers and virtually every part of the ceremony will go to... Read More...
Projecting wisely during this crisis
In the current financial crisis, spending unnecessary money is the farthest thing from everyone's mind. The average joe is trying to put some extra money in his or her pockets by coming up with some gig to boost earnings. Read More...
My Jamaican Five
This week, Saturday Life takes a look at the five top Jamaican artists idolised by Rushane Edwards, 18. Read More...